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Candidate for

Camborne and Redruth

Perran Moon

Perran Moon

Personal Statement

I was born in Redruth and first went to Trewirgie School. My mum was an NHS nurse and my dad, Dr Charles Moon, was a GP in Camborne and Redruth for over 40 years.

Over the last year, I have listened to thousands of residents on doorsteps right across Camborne, Redruth & Hayle, and heard so many accounts of people struggling to make ends meet. Thirteen years of Conservative government failure have seen our public services cut to the bone, our economy collapse, a cost-of-living crisis with heating bills and food prices getting ever more expensive, and a meltdown in our NHS and social care system.

In my working life, I am a director of an electric vehicle charging point business that uses only sustainable energy. I liaise daily with local and national government to encourage them to roll our sustainable energy to reduce climate change.

Outside work, I am a keen environmentalist, a regular sea swimmer, a big Reds rugby fan, a youth coach and an amateur cricketer. I am passionate about ensuring that, once again, Camborne, Redruth & Hayle becomes a fantastic place to be raised, work, bring up a family and retire.

The Labour Party has a plan to restart our economy, create high skilled, sustainable jobs, build truly affordable housing, clean up our rivers and seas, deal with crime and anti-social behaviour and fix our NHS and social care services.

As a Redruth lad, Camborne, Redruth & Hayle is the only constituency I would ever represent. As your Labour candidate at the next General Election, nothing would make me prouder than having the opportunity to serve the communities that I know and love.

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