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Candidate for

Mid Cheshire

Andrew Cooper

Andrew Cooper

Personal Statement

I have lived in Mid Cheshire for most of my adult life. It’s where my children were born, and it’s where I’ve been proud to represent as a Councillor for the last ten years during some of its most challenging times.

In Mid Cheshire, we have one in five children living in poverty. A child born in my ward in Leftwich will have a life expectancy ten years lower than one born just a couple of miles away on the other side of town.

I’ve chosen to dedicate my life to our community because I believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

To fight the pernicious idea that your background, your circumstances, who you know, where you come from might shape your life more than your talent, your creativity, or your determination.

This aspiration for the next generation is what’s at stake at the next election. Get involved in my campaign, and let’s win a better future - together.

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