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Candidate for

Mid Dorset and North Poole

Candice Johnson-Cole

Candice Johnson-Cole

Personal Statement

Candice Johnson-Cole, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Mid-Dorset and North Poole
 “Our goals at the Mid-Dorset and North Poole (MDNP) CLP, are to help secure a Labour Party victory at the upcoming election and work with that Labour Party government and the people of Mid- Dorset and North Poole, to bring about the well overdue changes our country needs”.
 Born to British parents in London, Candice, a former Poole, Bournemouth and Doncaster Community Worker, Labour Party Conference Exhibition and Events Organiser and 1997 General Election On-the-Road Events Team Manager and political events consultant, made Bournemouth, Poole and then Mid-Dorset and North Poole her home over 23 years ago and has been a member of the Labour Party since 1995.
 “As we await the upcoming General Election, I will be working hard for my constituency and for my neighbours, on the issues that really matter to us. Together, we can turn things around and start building toward everyone’s future again. I invite everyone to join us to make this happen - we are ready!” 
 Candice Johnson-Cole, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Mid-Dorset and North Poole 

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