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Candidate for

Leeds North West

Katie White

Katie White

[email protected]
Otley Labour Rooms 1 Nelson Street LS21 1EZ

Personal Statement

 | I'm the Labour Party candidate for Leeds North West, a new parliamentary constituency, where I was born and raised.
 I've spent my life campaigning for change. 
 Whilst working at Friends of the Earth, I co-led the campaign for what became the world leading Climate Change Act, a legally binding framework to reduce emissions across our economy. The campaign united people who had never worked together before and became the fourth most supported motion in parliamentary history. I went onto lead our international climate change engagement work at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, supporting Ed Miliband at the UNFCCC conference. I became executive director at WWF-UK where I pioneered work on low carbon transition plans for the biggest companies in the UK. 10 years ago I was awarded an OBE for services to tackling climate change in the UK and overseas. There is much more to do - to address the threat and garner the opportunity - and I want Leeds to be at the forefront of the Green Industrial Revolution. 
 I want to help
 1. Get Britain building again, so we can have the clean energy supplies of the future, bringing our costs down and ensuring sources of UK energy.
 2. Switch on Great British Energy, so the country - and our public services - are benefitting from our investment in a national energy supply.
 3. Getting the NHS back on its feet - I have a strong interest in mental health; I want to focus on improving support for mental health of young people within our constituency. 
 4. Take back our streets - so our high streets, small businesses and communities are thriving.
 5. Break down barriers to opportunity - so every primary school family can access a breakfast club; we introduce a broader curriculum so our children become fitter for the future and expand training in skills and apprenticeships. 

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